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Matteo Huber

Born in Sorengo, Ticino

Lives and works in Lugano, Switzerland



1994-1996  Master of Urban Planning at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich-ETHZ

1986 – 1992    Master of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich-ETHZ

1983 – 1986    ‘Università di Tecnologia Alimentare’ 

1983    Scientific High school Diploma







Cesare Molteni


2007    He founds the association chue of Italian language and he becomes the coordinator of it.

2001    He starts training Feng shui in Florence and Edinburgh, graduating in 2004 under the directives of Master Chan Kun Wah. From this date on, he follows many professional updating courses on philosophy.

1998    He opens an independent studio and continues his activity as architect and planner.

1996    He achieves a master degree from the institute of local, regional and national planning at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich ORL – NDS.

1994    After realizing his first villa in Sala Capriasca, he decides to continue his training in urban planning.

1993    Opens his own studio in collaboration with his brother Bruno and continues his activity by participating to numerous national and international contests.

1992    Collaboration with his father Arch Alex Huber to different projects.







Graduated in Environmental Studies in Milan. Master degree in Urban Polis-making specialized in technical consultation.


He is an established member by the OTIA, SIA and has a REG A certificate.

He is member of the FSU (‘Federazione Svizzera Urbanisti’) committee.

Core Activities 


He participates to various juries of national architecture and urban planning. In these years he fulfills different industrial, administrative and housing buildings in Switzerland, Spain and Kazakhstan.

The designer activity is not only limited to the creation of new buildings but also to restorations. He realizes town planning and detailed plans for different villages of the Canton of Ticino, also participating to many urban planning competitions.

Nicola Fasolo
Graduated in Architecture a
Architect specialized in digital design, rendering and graphics
nicola @
Sara Von Wartburg
Administrative secretary
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